University of Business Ambassadors – UofBA, Inc., Non-profit Our website is designed to showcase our Educational Support Services to assist and enhance businesses with their Goals and Objectives through what we offer…
Applied Knowledge, Branding, Business Development, Business Retention, Publishing, Marketing and Local Community along with Local and Statewide Events…
Our platform is designed to assist and support you with your Goals and Objectives in enhancing you and your business(es)…
Our name University of Business Ambassadors “UofBA” – an institution or foundation to seek out learning that will enhance oneself from those who have such Applied Knowledge on a Professional level of Authority.
Business – a usually commercial or mercantile activity engaged in as a means of livelihood.
Mr. Hawkins understands that the more business owners there are, the more economic development and basic advancements overall for mankind.
Ambassadors – a well-trained and developed individual offering a service(s) and/or good(s) by a reliable business as its official representative to assist you and your business(es).
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